Graduate Students

Namesort descending Discipline/Position Phone Office E-Mail Home Page
Dimanstein Noya Condensed Matter Physics Popick Bldg.
Dvir Tom Condensed Matter Physics 02 6594 031 Kaplun Bldg.
Elyahu Moti Nuclear Hadronic and Few-Body Physics Popick Bldg.
Engelberg Eli Condensed Matter Physics Popick Bldg.
Faran Tamar Astrophysics and Relativity
Farfurnik Demitry Condensed Matter Physics 02 6584 441 Bergman Bldg.
Gavrielov Noam Nuclear Hadronic and Few-Body Physics 02 6586 788 Kaplun 213
Gefen Tuvia Condensed Matter Physics 02 6586 357 Danciger B 212
Ginzburg Omry Astrophysics and Relativity
Grossman Doron Nonlinear 02 6584 671 Levin Bldg.
